文档 翻译语句数目 最后翻译时间
Python 352 文档 4047 2019/04/18 19:46
Django 1.11.6 中文 1221 2018/11/27 14:49
docker 官方文档 1013 2018/03/18 17:41
Django 182 中文 885 2018/03/18 17:38
tensorflow 1.3 中文文档 869 2018/03/25 17:47
theano 0.9 中文文档 544 2018/03/18 17:41
NumPy v1.11 中文 465 2018/05/08 10:20
scipy-lecture-notes 434 2018/03/18 17:41
Deep Learning Tutorials 257 2018/03/18 17:42
Dolma: an Open Corpus of Three Trillion Tokens for Language Model Pretraining Research 151 2024/03/31 20:35
NLTK with Python 3 66 2018/03/18 17:38
OLMo: Accelerating the Science of Language Models 36 2024/03/14 20:06
Distilling Step-by-Step! Outperforming Larger Language Models with Less Training Data and Smaller Model Sizes 32 2024/03/21 18:59
Towards General Computer Control: A Multimodal Agent for Red Dead Redemption II as a Case Study 31 2024/03/15 13:26
Weak-to-Strong Generalization: Eliciting Strong Capabilities With Weak Supervision 29 2024/03/11 16:48
A Survey on Recent Advances in LLM-Based Multi-turn Dialogue Systems 28 2024/03/30 15:51
Beyond Language Models: Byte Models are Digital World Simulators 23 2024/03/14 08:41
Python 2.7.8 中文文档 23 2018/03/18 17:38
OCR-free Document Understanding Transformer 19 2024/04/02 22:16
RAFT: Adapting Language Model to Domain Specific RAG 19 2024/03/18 14:37
The Data Lakehouse: Data Warehousing and More 15 2024/03/14 22:19
SRB measures for mostly expanding partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms via the variational approach 8 2024/03/13 22:46
Attention Is All You Need 中文翻译 8 2018/04/26 20:04
Attending to Graph Transformers 7 2024/04/07 16:23
Maybe Only 0.5% Data is Needed: A Preliminary Exploration of Low Training Data Instruction Tuning 7 2024/03/21 16:51
Shortcuts to adiabaticity: concepts, methods, and applications 6 2024/03/14 22:28
LoRA+: Efficient Low Rank Adaptation of Large Models 6 2024/03/14 10:16
Are prime numbers and quadratic residues random? 6 2024/03/13 22:39
Do language models plan ahead for future tokens? 5 2024/04/06 09:03
Speech Robust Bench: A Robustness Benchmark For Speech Recognition 5 2024/03/14 22:21
sphinx 1.6 4 2018/03/18 17:41
The Flan Collection: Designing Data and Methods for Effective Instruction Tuning 3 2024/04/04 21:40
Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks 3 2024/04/02 19:19
Towards Real Smart Apps: Investigating Human-AI Interactions in Smartphone On-Device AI Apps 3 2024/03/30 09:10
Identity Matters in Deep Learning 3 2024/03/11 21:56
Conformer: Convolution-augmented Transformer for Speech Recognition 3 2024/03/02 16:42
test1 3 2018/03/18 17:42
Autonomous Evaluation and Refinement of Digital Agents 2 2024/04/14 19:04
Wandering Within a World: Online Contextualized Few-Shot Learning 2 2024/03/30 09:53
How to Unleash the Power of Large Language Models for Few-shot Relation Extraction? 2 2024/03/29 23:02
SimCSE: Simple Contrastive Learning of Sentence Embeddings 2 2024/03/23 21:40
Computational Scatter Correction for High-Resolution Flat-Panel CT Based on a Fast Monte Carlo Photon Transport Model 2 2024/03/14 22:03
Jinja2 2.9 2 2018/03/18 17:42
GPT-4 Technical Report 1 2024/04/21 20:22
NetTrack: Tracking Highly Dynamic Objects with a Net 1 2024/04/21 14:50
Jamba: A Hybrid Transformer-Mamba Language Model 1 2024/04/01 22:15
Learning Actor Relation Graphs for Group Activity Recognition 1 2024/03/23 15:17
HuBERT: Self-Supervised Speech Representation Learning by Masked Prediction of Hidden Units 1 2024/03/16 14:31
ReCode: Robustness Evaluation of Code Generation Models 1 2024/03/16 09:54
An Embarrassingly Easy but Strong Baseline for Nested Named Entity Recognition 1 2024/03/14 22:23
Graph Data Condensation via Self-expressive Graph Structure Reconstruction 1 2024/03/13 22:35
Graph Neural Networks for Scalable Radio Resource Management: Architecture Design and Theoretical Analysis 1 2024/03/11 22:49
Conditional Variational Autoencoder with Adversarial Learning for End-to-End Text-to-Speech 1 2024/03/03 22:17
XLNet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding 1 2024/02/29 23:20